Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Few After Thoughts

I've been home from the GTS for four days now and back at work for two. If it is possible to describe your self as "mentally refreshed and physically exhausted", that is exactly how I feel.

My mind is full of thoughts and ideas that are racing around while I try to make sense of them and take them on board. The richness of the GTS experience is so great that I think I will be processing the week for some time to come so I will continue to post my thoughts about the GTS here.

Some of the conclusions that I have come to so far include:
  • Attending the GTS was a great idea and I encourage any and all educators who get the chance to attend a GTS
  • Enough "learnching" occurred to last a lifetime - the GTS does have an altering effect
  • NSCC is where I want to be - the power, enthusiasm, attitudes, and joy of my fellow GTS attendees confirmed that for me (not that there was any doubt beforehand)
  • I will be adding many of the tools, tips, and techniques covered, discovered, uncovered, and shared at the GTS to my professional practice
There are many other deeper thoughts still being chased down. Stay tuned for more...

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