Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Evidence of Learnching

I thought that I would recap the last few days of activity here at the GTS with evidence of learnching (the con-fusion of learning and teaching). As a visual learner myself, I thought that the est way to do this would be through pictures (and sage commentary too).

Here is David, the master facilitator, taking us through an activity.

Here is learnching in action (or is it prayer?)

There were also several other learnching activities that have taken place over the last few days:

David explaining minimal rigid structure with assistance from Lorraine

Cross- country driving

Small Group, facilitated collaboration - note the collaboration occurring (the learning) and the supervised facilitation occurring up on the hill (teaching). Learning+Teaching = Learnching!

Success!! Note the joy and happiness of the learnchers after a task well-done. Now it's off to the car wash...

More evidence of learnching - the return of the tools and resources to their pre-activity state

Here is a great example of learnching in action - the creation of additional learnching activities from a previous one - follow-on learnching! In this case auto-landscaping.

Learnching is an energizing process and learnchers quite often develop large appetites (see the 5-7 pounds outcome in earlier posts). So a good meal and great company is always in order.

Followed by a great dessert!!

The real evidence of learnching this week though will be if anyone can get Chris to tell us the secrets that go into his Pralines N' Cream cheesecake - YUM!

Another amazing day here at the GTS - the ideas, the passion, the learning, the teaching and yes the learnching - what a powerful experience. Oh, and dessert does deserve one more look...

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